
Are Stem Cell Knee Injections Safe?

Stem cell therapy has emerged as a groundbreaking treatment for a wide array of conditions, ranging from cosmetic enhancements like reducing wrinkles to significant medical repairs in the spine. Research conducted on animals has demonstrated the potential of stem cell treatments to address serious ailments such as heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, and muscular dystrophy effectively.

One of the promising areas for stem cell therapy is in treating osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Osteoarthritis is characterized by the degradation of cartilage, the crucial material that cushions the ends of bones within joints. As this cartilage wears down, bones begin to collide with each other, causing pain, inflammation, stiffness, and eventually leading to a significant decrease in joint function and mobility.

In the United States, millions are affected by knee OA, managing their condition through physical activity, weight management, medical interventions, and adjustments in their daily lives.

For those experiencing severe symptoms, total knee replacement surgery has been a traditional solution, with over 600,000 surgeries performed annually in the U.S. However, stem cell knee injections present a less invasive alternative, offering hope for pain relief and improved joint function without the need for surgical intervention.

What is stem cell treatment?

The human body perpetually produces stem cells within the bone marrow, a process intricately guided by specific conditions and signals. These signals ensure that stem cells are dispatched precisely to the locations where they are most needed.

A stem cell represents a fundamental, undifferentiated cell, not yet specialized into specific cell types such as skin, muscle, or nerve cells. The body harbors various stem cell types, each with the potential to serve distinct functions, adapting to the body’s diverse requirements for growth, repair, and maintenance.

Evidence suggests that stem cell treatments have the capability to activate the body’s damaged tissues, prompting them to heal themselves. This process is commonly known as “regenerative” therapy, highlighting its potential to rejuvenate and restore tissue health.

Nonetheless, the exploration of stem cell therapy specifically for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee remains in its early stages, with research findings showing a range of outcomes.

Stem cell injections for knees

The presence of cartilage on bone ends facilitates smooth gliding between bones, minimizing friction. Osteoarthritis (OA) disrupts this cartilage, leading to heightened friction, which manifests as pain, inflammation, and eventual loss of mobility and function.

Stem cell therapy, in principle, harnesses the body’s natural healing processes to aid in the repair and deceleration of tissue degeneration, including cartilage.

Stem cell therapy for knees seeks to achieve several goals:

  • Slowing down and repairing damaged cartilage.
  • Reducing inflammation and alleviating pain.
  • Potentially postponing or even avoiding the necessity for knee replacement surgery.

Treatment process involves:

  • Collecting a small sample of blood, typically from the arm.
  • Concentrating the stem cells from this sample.
  • Injecting the concentrated stem cells back into the knee.

Risks and side effects of stem cell knee injections

Stem cell therapy for knees is considered noninvasive, and research indicates that side effects are generally minimal.

Following the procedure, a few individuals may encounter temporary heightened pain and swelling. Nonetheless, the vast majority of those receiving stem cell injections report no adverse effects.

The treatment utilizes stem cells sourced from the patient’s own body, theoretically minimizing the likelihood of serious side effects. However, the methods of harvesting and processing the stem cells can vary, which may impact the success rates reported in various studies.

Before undergoing any treatment, it’s important to:

  • Educate yourself about the procedure and its mechanisms.
  • Seek advice from your doctor.
  • Consider age limits for eligibility.
  • Understand the types of stem cells used.
  • Address joint disease and chronic knee pain concerns.
  • Explore alternatives to surgery.
  • Discuss sensitivity analysis with your doctor.
  • Consider the role of joint fluid in treatment.


Despite conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of stem cell injections, numerous clinics offer them as a potential solution for arthritic knee pain. Stem cell therapy falls under the umbrella of regenerative medicine, aiming to address joint pain by using cellular injections.

However, as this treatment is still classified as “investigational” by the FDA, there’s a lack of standardization. Consequently, doctors and clinics have the liberty to determine their own prices. This can result in expenses amounting to several thousand dollars per knee, particularly since the type of stem cell used can influence costs. Additionally, it’s essential to note that the majority of insurance companies do not cover this form of treatment.


If osteoarthritis (OA) is causing knee pain or impacting mobility, consider the following options:

  • Exercise and stretching routines.
  • Managing weight effectively.
  • Utilizing over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Undergoing steroid injections into the affected joint.
  • Applying heat and cold pads for relief.
  • Exploring alternative therapies like acupuncture and yoga.

If these measures prove ineffective or cease to provide relief, total knee replacement surgery may become a viable option. Knee replacement surgery is a widely performed procedure that can significantly enhance mobility, reduce pain, and greatly improve overall quality of life.


When dealing with knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, it’s vital to explore a variety of treatment options. These can include exercises to improve range of motion, medications for pain relief, and alternative therapies like acupuncture. In some cases, surgery, such as knee replacement, may be necessary.

While regenerative therapy like stem cell injections shows promise, it’s still undergoing clinical trials, and its effectiveness is being studied. Considering individual circumstances, consulting healthcare professionals, and staying informed are crucial steps. By finding the most suitable approach, whether through traditional methods or innovative regenerative therapy, individuals can potentially see improvement in pain and mobility in arthritic joints.

By |2024-04-03T15:17:01+00:00March 18th, 2024|Stem Cell Therapy|Comments Off on Are Stem Cell Knee Injections Safe?